Norwood MA 4th of July
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82 imagesNorwood's 2024 July 4th Celebration parade and Road Race on July 4, 2024, in Norwood, MA. Hundreds lined the streets for another fabulous parade, including marching bands, floats, and town officials.
94 imagesThe Kids 4th of July parade in Norwood MA. on July 4, 2024.
126 imagesNorwood 2023 July 4th parades in Norwood, MA. The day starts with a kids parade in the morning and a larger parade in the afternoon.
3 galleriesNorwood MA 2019 4th of July Collection of Galleries, including the kids parade, road race and evening parade.
72 imagesNorwood MA 2017 Fourth of July parade . It all starts with the fire trucks slowly moving down Washington Street. Soon the antique cars and military groups. The Colonial boys band lead the parade of marching bands, baseball champs and lots of fun.
152 imagesNorwood 2012 4th of July - Kids and evening parades
94 imagesNorwood MA - July 4th 2010 - Images from the Children's and Evening parades
83 imagesImages from the July 4th 2009 parade in Norwood MA. The parade begins with a line of fire trucks and includes military units, tanks, canons and marching bands.
57 imagesKids 4th of July Parade 2009, Norwood MA. The main street in town is closed and hundreds of kids in costumes on decorated bikes, baby carriages and mini floats built on their wagons come marching down the street to the town common. There they parade around and judges pick the best ones and eveyone gets a ribbon
91 imagesImages from the 2008 Fourth of July Parade in Norwood MA. Please send me a note if you are in one of the shots and would like me to EMAIL you a copy
81 imagesFourth of July 2008 Children's bicycle and baby carriage parade in Norwood MA. The kids and their parents march down the main street to the town common where they receive ribbons and prizes for their participation
22 imagesThe Fourth of July Parade 2007 in Norwood MA takes place late in the afternoon. It follows the Children's parade, the Firecracker road race and a line of fire trucks from Norwood and all of the neighboring towns. There are floats, marching bands, politicians and clowns. Please search on 070407 to see more photos from the day
15 imagesPhotos from the Fourth of July Childrens Parade 2007 in Norwood MA. The kids dress in historical costumes and parade through the center of town. Search on the date 070407 to see more photos from the day
12 imagesThere are two parades on July 4th in Norwood MA. The Childrens Parade which includes bikes, wagons and great costumes and then another parade later in the day with marching bands, the town's baseball teams and politicians
9 imagesThe July 4th 2006 Childrens Parade in Norwood, MA includes bikes, wagons, historical figures and prizes for everyone
18 imagesThe 2005 Fourth of July Parade in Norwood MA is a multi-cultural event with representatives from Africa, Mexico, the US, Portugal as well as marching bands and ...Shrinners.